Rappelling In Tallinn (not available ATM)

Rappelling is considered as one of the most dangerous climbing style because there are lots of factors to consider. When you rappel down, you need make sure you are able to control your descent. Watching it may seem easy but when you actually take the ropes, you need to pull out various technical climbing skills and make sure your judgement on a step will not fall short. Your safety on the ropes will be affected by a lot of factors this is why this is considered as one of the most dangerous climbing activities. Make a mistake while rappelling down and you will not be able to explain the rush of adrenaline that will go through your body. Even experienced climbers has his own horror story to tell so make sure you will listen to your instructor before making that first step down with the rope.

Your descent will take place at the Tallinn TV Tower starting from its 175-meter-high roof. In Estonia and the whole of Northern Europe, the Tallinn TV Tower is the highest open observation platform in and it features a unique attraction that will certainly take your breath away.

This two and a half hours activity is inclusive of passess to climb the TV tower and all the required safety equipment. And experienced instructor will also be there to facilitate the rappelling. English speaking instructoris also inclusive in this activity.


  • Rappelling Down A 172 Meter Tower
  • Safety Equipment
  • Professional Instructor


2 Hrs


Book early to get the best time slots.


5 Minutes From Tallinn City Centre


All Year

from € 93 per person

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